This article will help you how to find the cheapest flights to distant destinations, which can help you to have a better and cheaper flight.

The flight price is a fundamental aspect of a backpacking trip planning, so it’s crucial to find the cheapest one, but you must also pay attention to other aspects, which will be mentioned in this article.
Before preparing a backpacking trip is normal to have some destinations as options.
If you are at that point, don’t schedule your vacations yet. Check flight prices first.
Sometimes, a day or two can make a difference in the price.
When you do that, pay attention to these three aspects:

  • Price
  • Flight duration
  • Layover time (time spend in an airport between flights)

Ita Matrix is the best software that can help you how to find long haul and cheapest flights.

It’s a software developed by Google that gather all the data from the most well-known long-haul airline companies.
It gives you, in one screen, multiple alternatives, with all the information you need, and then go directly to a specific airline company and buy the ticket.

Why may the lowest price not be the best one?

Flight duration

Flight duration is a crucial aspect to take into account. Despite the low price, you don’t want to spend many hours in an airport, just for saving a few bucks.
Or you can take advantage on that, and visit the nearby city from the airport where you are doing the layover.
Just remember that, for some countries, you may need a transit visa, so, if you have that in mind, is better to plan ahead.

Frequent Flyer Programs

If you plan traveling at least once a year, you should register for a frequent flyer program. Some companies have their program. Some programs are related to several airline companies.
Flying with the same airline company or companies with the same Frequent Flyer Program can give you some good benefits, especially because you are always flying long distances.

Other platforms to search for flights

  • Google Flight Search: Don’t sell flights, just search (simplified version of Ita Matrix);
  • Edreams: Sell flights;
  • Skyscanner: Don’t sell flights, but directs you to other platforms where you can make a purchase;

Hope this article can teach you how to find the cheapest flights for your backpacking trip.


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