There are many opinions about what is backpacking, and it all depends on each person. But some aspects are similar to every backpackers.

What defines a backpacker on its basis is the search for knowledge, adventure, and adrenaline, no matter where or when.

It cannot be only related to the moments when we are on a backpacking trip, or we would be backpackers in part-time.

What is Backpacking

It’s not only about traveling as a backpacker in the other parts of the world. It can even be in the neighborhood of where he or she lives.

If you can find something new, that involve nature or some outdoor sports, that can help the mind of a backpacker to be a little bit happier.

But there is no doubt that having the experience of backpacking into other countries, other cultures, without having nothing scheduled or booked, cannot be compared to anything else.

It’s where a backpacker feels at home.

A backpacker does everything on its reach to continue to be a backpacker, to make a backpacking trip, at least, once a year.

If we are living in some economic crisis or another kind, we just work harder.

If the boss only gives us two weeks vacations, we insist and insist again, till we get, at least, three or four.

And, above all, the primary purpose, or dream of a backpacker, is to be able to work and travel at the same time.

It’s hard but possible.

But there are some issues with the mind of a backpacker, which are not so easy to overcome.

It’s not easy to be in a stable relationship with someone that doesn’t have the same kind of goals.

It’s hard to keep a job, even if it pays well or have a favorable environment. Mainly because we always want to be somewhere else.

We are never happy with what we have. We always want more and more.

I’m not talking about money, but backpacking.

We just need the money to make the next backpacking trip, and there is nothing more important than that.

Every year is the same. Where am I going next?

This kind of thoughts crosses our minds, in Happymind Travels team, every single day.

We spend days and days talking about our last trips, our stories, our experiences. For other people, we already did so many things.

But they don’t know what backpacking is. In our minds, we just think that there is still so much to do, to go, to know and, most of all, to experience.

In the article about backpacking depression, we talk about the meaning of what is backpacking and, most of all, the feeling we have when we return from a backpacking trip.

And what about you? Can you relate with this? Do you feel the same about what is backpacking?


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